Weather Related Conversions

Credit for this page goes wholly to the authors (listed at the bottom of the page) and to NOAA
Temperature Conversion
Enter a number then click on the appropriate number to see the result.
Fahrenheit (°F)
Celsius (°C)

Wind Chill/Temperature Index Calculation
Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mile per hour ( mph ), then click on the Calculate WC to compute the Windchill ( WC ).
Tair° F MPH

Relative Humidity Calculation (Fahrenheit)
Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and the Dew Point temperature ( Tdp) in degrees Fahrenheit ( ° F ) then click on Calculate RH to compute the Relative Humidity ( RH ).
Tair ( ° F ) Tdp ( ° F ) RH

Relative Humidity Calculation (Celsius)
Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and Dew Point temperature ( Tdp) in Degrees Celsius ( °F ) then click on Calculate RH to compute the Relative Humidity ( RH ).
Tair ( ° C ) Tdp ( ° C ) RH

Heat Index Calculation (Fahrenheit) (temp/dewpoint)
Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and the Dew Point temperature (Tdp) in Degrees Fahrenheit, then click on Calculate HI to compute the Heat Index (HI).
Tair in °F Tdp in °F RH =

Heat Index Calculation (Fahrenheit) (temp/RH)
Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in Degrees Fahrenheit and Relative Humidity ( RH ) in percent ( without the % sign ), then click on Calculate HI to compute the Heat Index ( HI ).
Tair in °F RH Tdp =

Fire Weather Conversions
Feet to Meters

Wind Speed Conversions

Enter the Wind Value and choose units Conversion Results:
mph mph
knots knots
m/s m/s
ft/s ft/s
km/h km/h

Barometer Conversions
Millibars <--> Inches of Mercury <--> Millimeters

This form allows conversion from one barometer measurement scale to the others.
Indicate value you are supplying by selecting the appropriate radio button.
 Millibars (hPa (hectoPascal)):
 Inches of Mercury (InHG):
 Millimeters: (mm):

Calculate Relative Humidity by using:
Temperature, Wet Bulb & Station Pressure

Enter a Temperature, Wet-Bulb and actual Station Pressure
 Temperature:  Dewpoint
Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin Fahrenheit
 Wet-Bulb: Celsius
Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin Kelvin
Enter your actual station pressure (not the altimeter setting): If station pressure is unknown, use 29.79 inches of mercury. This is the average station pressure for Uniontown and should work well except in mountainous regions. Even big changes in pressure (1.00 in. of mercury) will usually only change the RH by less than 1%.
inHg mmHg millibars (hPA) % Rel. Humidity

Convert Millimeters / Centimeters to Inches
Convert Inches to Millimeters / Centimeters

Inches to Centimeters
Centimeters to Inches
  Inches to Millimeters
Millimeters to Inches
Number to Convert:   Number to Convert:
To convert Inches to MilliMeters: Multiply Inches by 25.4
To convert MilliMeters to Inches: Multiply MilliMeters by 0.03937*
*For slightly greater accuracy when converting to Inches:
DIVIDE MilliMeters by 25.4

Original concepts by Ron Murphy, WFO BGM & Todd Hall, Tim Brice, WFO ELP & Jason Elliott, WFO MEG
Script is by Ron Murphy. Updated 8/18/1999. Additional Code editing by Jason Elliott & John Etling for additional elements. Updated: 10/04/2012